Dear Editor- Voting for Malsin

I have been a resident of Culver City for over 30 years and am very excited to endorse Scott Malsin for the re-election to the City Council of Culver City. I met Scott about eight years ago as a member of the voluntary Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). During the years of friendship, I have found Scott to be very personable, very bright, a visionary, and extremely concerned on matters associated with Culver City. He has served as being the mayor and a very prominent member of the City Council and has been keenly aware and involved in making important and tough decisions so that the city is a better place to live and especially for its redevelopment. Scott listens, is very involved, and has the pulse of the community, from the Eastside to the Westside, and is always available to listen to everyone’s concerns and make sound and positive decisions for the community. That is the kind of City Council member necessary for the continued and progressive growth of the community. I encourage everyone to please get out and vote for Scott and make your very important vote count. We all need Scott for the next four years!

Joel Salz

Culver City Resident

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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