Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

Just a Thought – Dear Göran

It’s about those crime stats. While I understand that the Financial Benchmark Study was undertaken to provide information to help the City Council make decisions, the timing was a little too good. As the Chair …[READ MORE]


Endgame @ KDT Now in Rehearsal

Rehearsals have begun for Samuel Beckett’s classic “Endgame,” directed by one of Beckett’s most renowned interpreters Alan Mandell at Center Theatre Group’s Kirk Douglas Theatre, April 24 through May 22, 2016. The opening is scheduled …[READ MORE]


CC Centennial Needs You

The Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee (CCCCC) is planning for the Centennial Celebration, which is to take place from September 2016 through September 2017. The CCCCC has recently hired Los Angeles Consulting Group (LACG) –a …[READ MORE]