Time, Space and Family – New Book Group @ Julian Dixon Library

wpid-20150311__1-LoveMedicine_skyboxReady for something really different? Judith Martin-Straw is starting a new book group at the Julian Dixon Library on Thursday, April 21, 2016. “Time, Space and Family; the Novels of Louis Erdrich” will begin at 6 pm and go until 8 pm. Beginning with Erdrich’s first book, Love Medicine it’s a compelling narrative on the relationships we have with land, property, religion, government and most crucially, with each other.

More than just discussion, we will also be using exercises and techniques from “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, “Syllabus” by Lynda Barry, “The Open Mind” by Dawna Markova and “The Spiral Dance” by Starhawk. It’s not a class, so no anxieties about being graded. Beyond the discussion of the book itself, we will be talking about time and how our concepts support or limit us, space and the implications of multi-dimensional energy, and family all the way down to DNA.

Fun stuff.

Love Medicine is a novel comprised of 18 short stories, presented by different characters, some of who tell the same story from diverse points of view. It is also the introduction to characters and families that Erdrich uses in her subsequent novels, and the landscape of the Minnesota/North Dakota prairie and the Ojibwe Indian reservation that is a country unto itself.

As Culver City approaches the Centennial, taking the time (and space) to consider how you connect to the place you live and the people around you can be revelatory.

So, read the book – copies are available at the library, and at many bookstores. ( I do ask that you not buy books from Amazon; Jeff Bezos does not need any more of your money, and bookstores do. )  Bring a notebook and a pen to the Community Room at the Julian Dixon Library 4975 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230.

Copies of the book are also available at The Ripped Bodice, Culver City’s newest bookstore at 3806 Main Street. You can call them to reserve a copy at (424) 603-4776.

Got questions?  Send them to [email protected]


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