The Chambered Nautilus @ Village Well – Oct. 9

A launch party celebrating The Chambered Nautilus, the third in Laura Segal Stegman’s middle grade trilogy from Young Dragons Press, will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 5 to 6 pm, at Village Well Books.

Stegman will be joined by fellow middle grade author PJ Gardner (The Great Zoodini) to discuss Stegman’s tale of adventure and discovery, which involves a magical carnival attraction based on the unusual anatomy of real-life chambered nautiluses.

The Chambered Nautilus, for ages seven to thirteen, is part of the 2024 STEAM Team Group, an annual collection of STEAM-related (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) books that bring the spirit of inquiry, discovery, and creative problem-solving to young learners. The novel’s contemporary fantasy narrative delves into chambered nautiluses’ intriguing biology and their precarious status as a threatened species. These soft-bodied cephalopod class creatures, which live inside an intricately chambered shell, have cruised in deep ocean coral reefs for more than 480 million years.

In addition to the conversation spotlighting Amazing Facts about Chambered Nautiluses, Stegman and Gardner will read from their books, answer questions, and conduct a Chambered Nautilus Trivia Challenge, whose prize is an autographed copy of The Chambered Nautilus.

The event, which also features free bookmarks for all, is open to the public at no charge. Although the event is in person, the program will be streamed on Stegman’s Instagram Live @Laura_Stegman.

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