The Federal Emergency Management Agency requires every community to update their hazard mitigation plan once every five years to remain eligible to receive grant funding to implement the mitigation projects and programs it contains. The City of Culver City (City) and the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) have completed a draft update to their Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The Plan provides a framework for our community to reduce its vulnerability to the impacts of natural hazard events such as earthquakes, drought, and wildfires and human-caused hazards (hazardous material spills, active shooters, pandemics). The purpose of mitigation planning is to identify policies and to take actions that can be implemented over the long term to reduce risk and future losses when an emergency or disaster occurs. Mitigation plans form the foundation for a community’s long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.
Your participation in the planning process is extremely important and vital to the success of the Plan update.
Please Complete Your Review the Draft Plan before October 9, 2023
In order to prepare for future natural and human-caused disasters, we need your feedback before October 9, 2023! Please submit any comments or questions regarding the Draft Plan via e-mail to: [email protected]. The feedback you provide will help us modify the draft Plan to better identify hazards of concern and to implement projects and programs focused on reducing the risk to community facilities.
View the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan here.
City of Culver City