Sister City’s Guests from Lethbridge Will Be Here for Fiesta

Canadians from Culver City’s Sister City, Lethbridge, AB to arrive for the Fiesta as guests of the Culver City Sister City Committee

August 23 – 26, 2019 a rarefied group of six from Lethbridge’s business, arts and community population will arrive to learn and participate in Culver City life. A packed four-day itinerary has been designed to expose the visitors to our local arts scene, government and business communities.

Friday, August 23rd is the public welcome event at the home of Lindberg Park residents Former Mayor Ed Wolkowitz and former School Board President Marla Wolkowitz. The 5:30 pm event is the first chance for community to come and meet the guests. The Culver City community is encouraged to R.S.V.P. on the Culver City Sister City Committee’s Facebook page under the events button. An address will be sent after responding. Reservations ensure adequate food will be on-hand. Donations are encouraged.

Saturday morning the visitors will take turns in the Culver City Sister City Committee’s booth at Fiesta La Ballona. This is another opportunity to meet the visitors and they’ll have time to visit all of the booths to learn about our diverse community. Visits also include a trip to the ARC and the Wende Museum.

Sunday and Monday’s activities are non-stop from morning to early evening with a broad range of planned activities.

Meet the visitors; Michael Bennett, Lethbridge Twining Society’s Director for Culver City. Michael is and has been the lead for multiple visits and has a real estate background that keeps him on the road. Dawn Leite is the Executive Director, Allied Arts Council Lethbridge/AB. Dawn’s musical background includes arts administration in the school system and with the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra. Ted Stilson is the Executive Director for the Downtown Lethbridge BZR – Main Street Projects. Ted has a background in heritage, fine arts and communication. Tania Stilson is a long time entrepreneur having a successful businesses in the travel industry, life/living benefits and now general insurance. Former Mayor Robert Tarleck is no stranger to Culver City having visited in the past. Bob was part of the Lethbridge City Council 1974 – 1992 and several stints as Mayor from 2001-2010. Bob comes as Honorary Chairman of the LTS delegation. Adam Whitford works as a curatorial and publications coordinator for the Southern Alberta Art Gallery (SAAG) in Lethbridge.

For more information about the official delegation visit to Culver City contact Sharlene London, CCSCC Chairman at 310-836-3635.

Marla Wolkowitz

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. One small correction: the note reads that I was mayor for “several” terms. More correctly, I was mayor for “three” terms. At that time Alberta had three-year municipal terms, though it has since gone to four-year terms.

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