Park to Playa, a trail that will connect Kenneth Hahn Park with Playa del Rey, is beginning the last stage of construction this week. By 2020, people will be able to walk 13 miles of continuous trail, all of which will be dog-friendly, and 80% of which will be ADA accessible. This unique connection has taken many years and many organizations working together, and is a model for the kind of urban planning that embraces nature.
Starting the week of May 6, 2019, crews will begin undergrounding utilities near the crossing of La Cienega and Wrightcrest Drive to provide clearance for the pedestrian bridge, the final stage in completing the unique hiking trail spanning from the Kenneth Hanh to the beach.
Traffic delays are anticipated from May 6 through July 31, according to UrbanizeLA, on the stretch of La Cienega Boulevard between the newly-christened Obama Boulevard (formerly Rodeo Road) and Stocker Street, with lane closures occurring first for southbound traffic, then for northbound traffic starting on June 3.
The unique project uses an existing network of trails that begins on Stocker Street, just west of Crenshaw Boulevard. The paths then go through Kenneth Hahn and Baldwin Hills parks through Culver City Park at Duquesne. In a minor street connection, the path then takes the bike lane to the gate on Duquesne, and then to the bike path on the creek. The trail ends at the beach in Playa del Rey.
The bridge is scheduled to be open to foot traffic in 2020.
Artist’s rendering of the bridge from the offices of Supervisor Mark-Ridley Thomas
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