“American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers” @ The Willows Sept. 27

27north-facebookjumboNancy Jo Sales, an award-winning Vanity Fair journalist and author will present a talk on the use of social media by young people and the challenges they are facing. Her talk entitled “American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers,” the title of her
newest book, is on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at The Willows Community School, 8509 Higuera Street, Culver City. Books will be sold at the event and followed by a book signing. This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required. Please RSVP at www.thewillows.org/Page/Community/Events.
From research, investigation, and interviews with 300+ young girls, Sales will share her insight on the secret lives of today’s teens and the dangers of misogyny, harassment, pornography, sexism, and cyber bullying. She will explore what social media is doing to an entire generation, and show how parental awareness can help the self-esteem and identity of children as childhood ends. “Social media is life; social media destroys life. For ‘American Girls,’ Ms. Sales spent two and a half years investigating this paradox…. and she’s exquisitely unobtrusive as she does it.

Conversations that are not safe for adults seem to open like apps under her fingertips. She has sophisticated methods of infiltration.” — The Wall Street Journal

Nancy Jo Sales, the author of American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers, is a journalist who has written for Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, and numerous other publications. Best known for her stories on youth culture, celebrities, and crime, Ms. Sales has created profiles on pop cultural icons while serving as a Contributing Editor for Vanity Fair. In addition to American Girls, she wrote The Bling Ring: A Gang of Fame-Obsessed Teens Ripped Off Hollywood and Shocked the World. She has won a 2015 Silurian Award for “Magazine Feature Writing” and a 2011 Front Page Award for “Best Magazine Feature.”

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