To prepare voters for Culver City’s November 3 School Board election, League of Women Voters Culver City Unit will present a candidate forum in Mike Balkman Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday October 1. Live television coverage will be provided on the City Channel, and the program will be replayed several times before the election.
This season’s forum will be a ’roundtable’ conversation led by former CCUSD Board Member Julie Lugo Cerra. Candidates will discuss current issues of greatest concern to them and to voters. If you would like to suggest any issues for consideration, please email them to [email protected] before Monday, September 28.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization devoted to informed and active participation in government. It does not support or oppose any political party or any candidate for public office.
For more information, visit smartvoter.org or call the LWV Los Angeles office at 213-368-1616.
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