Green5 Launched at CCHS – Click Here

EG4ax2MlcqfeXT9eLNpQvzBfK6fadYxeL7a0gQP5Nvsm0AgMkHCWe_MAlVm77i3hUbF4lhu_QZDTqagrE0pJ7rToUcg4Pvp2Lc4TvwVsqy44yylwVcAqIJjVUVAOVSgpJLF2zA=s0-d-e1-ftCulver City High School held its Green5 Launch Party on Monday, Feburary 2 as students wore green and enjoyed music, games and fun.
The school’s new trash cans have been placed throughout CCHS with three sections – compost, recycling and landfill areas – and students are encouraged to sort their trash into the correct part of the bin.
Water filling stations have placed throughout the campus to refill re-usable bottles, instead of purchasing water in bottles.
“Students Tyler and Evan have lead the campaign all year long, and we are proud of them for continuing to increase the awareness of recycling,” said teacher Kelli Tarvyd.
Check out the group’s “Time Warp” inspired video about this environmentally friendly program at

The Actors' Gang

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