At a recent Culver City Unified School District Board of Education (CCUSD) meeting held at City of Culver City – City Hall, Culver City Education Foundation (CCEF) Executive Director Leslie Adler presented three Building Blocks for Education – all from the Chabola Family.
The inscriptions read: “In Honor of Jerry Chabola,” “In Memory of Joseph ‘Joe’ Chabola” and one to honor the Memory of Earl Jackson, Sr., father of CCUSD’s Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Leslie Lockhart.
Donating a Building Block through the Ed Foundation is a wonderful way for someone to show that they support education in our community. The Building Blocks are brass plates affixed to the brick on an inside wall of the Culver City Unified School District lobby. Donating one of these blocks is a meaningful gift to acknowledge a special family member, teacher, employee or colleague.
For more information or to donate a Building Block, please visit www.ccef90230.org
Pictured are, from left, Bill Lockhart, Leslie Lockhart, Shirley Jackson, and family with Janet and Jerry Chabola.
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