Did you know that getting rid of your lawn can save 80% of you water bill? That you can put in native plants that attract songbirds, butterflies, hummingbirds and beneficial insects? Why waste all that water on a patch of green that does nothing? Having native plants also saves you the cost of the mower, keeps chemical fertilizers out of the waste stream, and makes your lot look wonderful.
Find out how to do it at the Lose-the-Lawn Playbook Workshop: how one homeowner got rid of her lawn, and traded it for birdsong, beneficial insects, and productivity.
When May 10 1 pm-4 pm
Where Jane’s Sustainable Garden with Jane Brockman and Michelle Weiner.
RSVP for address [email protected] 310.780.1051
We will discuss how to transform a garden space using permaculture principles.
* composting the no-fuss way
* the benefits of co-mingling flowers and food plants
* making your garden lush by propagating cuttings
* attracting birds and butterflies
* using everything your garden produces to create
a rich, moisture retaining environment in drought
conditions and without commercial fertilizers.
Please bring a (washed) ingredient for a community salad.
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