Are You Registered for Smart911? Find Out More …

Karin Vallery from Smart911, the emergency alert system from Rave Mobility, will explain how the system allows you to register your personal information (home, spouse, disability, pets, medications needed, etc.) for emergency responders in Culver city or other communities. Be at the Vet’s Auditorium on Jan. 16 at 7 pm and find out how this system works, and why it’s important for Culver City. People with disabilities are frequently overlooked in an emergency (earthquake, major power outage) situations – by registering with a service like this, it increases your chances for people to come look for you. It also allows you to provide names and contact numbers for family members are friends who you would normally alert in any given emergency situation.

Please encourage all of your “prime time” friends and people with disabilities in their families to come here Karen speak.

Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. Hearing loss is a family and workplace issue. There are many people in the Culver City and West LA area who have a hearing loss and could greatly benefit from a local chapter. Co-sponsored by Culver City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department and the Hearing Loss Association of America.

Smart911 Emergency Alert Registration System

When: Thursday January 16, 2014
7:00 to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:45 pm)

Where: Veterans Memorial Building, Rotunda Room
4117 Overland Ave (parking entrance on Culver Blvd.)
Culver City, CA 90230

The Actors' Gang

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