In the inaugural FIRST LEGO Robotics Tournament, CCUSD’s team – British Men, Inc., who got into the spirit by wearing suspenders, top hats and mustaches – earned the Judges’ Award, given to “a team whose unique efforts stand out to the judges.”
According to the judges, “this team’s ideas ideas were so out of this country, and their enthusiasm put a smile on everyone’s face. Just be being themselves, this team proved that the number one goal of today was to have fun! If you “mustache” who the winner is, just look for the built-in party over by team 3835, British Men, Incorporated!”
This year’s challenge was called “Senior Solutions,” and it challenged students to come up with ideas about helping seniors while making it a fun learning experience.
Congratulations to the CCUSD team: Desi Dickson – Master Builder; Eli Lane – Team Leader; Donovan Islas – Assistant Prigramer/Builder; Joe Fratantuno – Artist/Builder; and Zeke Rogers – Master Programer.
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