Sure, the calendar says that summer begins in mid-June, but everyone knows the 4th of July weekend is the real beginning of the summer season. Here’s a collection of tasty links, especially chosen to make your summer just that much more festive, fun and flavorful. From free money, to the best airline seats, to can’t miss recipes, to a way to find your perfect summer reading. It’s all here.
No one can resist free money, so let’s start there. If you missed California State Controller John Chiang’s recent visit to Culver City, you missed the link he gave out to find unclaimed property and money the State of California is holding in trust. Of the 40 or so people in the audience, more than half appeared on the rolls. I had nearly $200 waiting for me.
If you’re planning a plane trip this summer, perhaps you’d like to choose a comfortable seat on the airplane, instead of leaving those seats to all the OTHER people who already know about this website. All different types of planes, on all the major (and many minor) airlines.
You have to eat, right? Why not enjoy every single meal this summer, and on into the fall? Epicurious is a website, an app for iPhone or iPad, Android or the Barnes & Noble Nook. Every recipe I’ve tried has been great, and you can look in the refrigerator, see what you’ve got, and trust Epicurious to come up with something you hadn’t thought of. Recipes from all the cooking magazines you intended to subscribe to once, but never got around to….
Finally, the last thing to make for a perfect summer is the perfect summer book. You can ask your friends, you can read the book reviews, you can walk through the bookstore or library with your head tilted till your neck hurts — or you can let the wisdom of the crowd suggest books to you based on what you’ve read before. They’re not selected by a computer, a la Amazon, but by real people who really read. Me, I’d suggest anything by David Mitchell you haven’t already read.
Scott Wyant is a 22 year Culver City resident and technology consultant to business and professional clients from the entertainment, design, engineering, architecture, manufacturing and hospitality industries. He’s fluent in Macintosh and PC, and welcomes your questions, comments, and suggestions. You can reach him at [email protected]
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