Not unexpected, but distressing nevertheless; with 10, 485 registered voters, only 2,514 of them bothered to show up and vote. The turnout was very low, but the close results show that some voters were paying attention. Unhappily, not nearly enough. Here are the results from the Los Angeles County Registrar on the March 8 election.
Community College Board of Trustees- Seat #1
MONA FIELD – 972 votes 38.66%
OSWALDO LOPEZ – 940 votes 37.39%
GWEN WALKER – 356 votes 14.16%
JOZEF T ESSAVI – 153 votes 6.09%
DERRICK MIMS – 93 3.70%
Seat # 3
JOYCE B GARCIA – 1,560 votes 64.33%
STEVEN VERES – 865 votes 35.67%
Seat #5
OCTAVIO PESCADOR 826 votes 32.74%
LYDIA A GUTIERREZ 656 votes 26.00%
NICOLE M CHASE 264 votes 10.46%
MANUEL ALDANA JR. 262 votes 10.38%
SCOTT SVONKIN 246 votes 9.75%
PAMELA R BOLIN 142 votes 5.63%
MARK LEE 127 votes 5.03%
Seat #7
MIGUEL SANTIAGO 1,668 votes 69.18%
ERICK AGUIRRE 743 votes 30.82%
A runoff will be held in Seat No. 5 between Scott Svonkin and Lydia Gutierrez, the two top finishers in a field of seven.
As they say at they end of the poker game, read ’em and weep. The people who just wasted billions of dollars that we are all going to spend the next several decades paying back (with interest) are still in power.
Thanks for the follow-up. Heaving very large sigh right now.