It’s that time again: your chance to make a more informed decision on the statewide ballot measures.
Members and those interested in getting more education about the propositions on the ballot this November will gather at 11:30 in the Community Room of Culver City Julian Dixon Public Library. Brown-bag lunches, sociability, LWV business fill the bill until noon when the formal program will begin. Discussion is usually over by 1:30.
Non-members are always welcome. Light refreshments are served, and printed publications will be distributed. All this and free parking, too! Overload parking is in the Adult School lot, immediately north of the Library.
Come when you can, leave when you must!
Frances Talbott- White stated candidly ” This group of nine propositions is the gnarliest I’ve seen in years, but I feel well prepared to give a clear, comprehensive, and (as always) impartial presentation.”
Culver City Crossroads will be posting Frances Talbott-White’s essays about the upcoming election in the next two weeks.
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