A lot of public places and businesses closed on Monday July 5, because of the holiday. But the Culver City Julian Dixon Library will be closed on Monday from now on, because of budget cuts affecting the Los Angeles County Library system.
At the city council meeting on Monday June 28, Rex Richardson of the library staff spoke to the council in regard to the hours being cut. Richardson, as a representative of the Service Employees International Union, (which represents the library employees, ) noted that starting July 12, losing a day of service from the library would be an impact of 9% loss of service.
The addition of another hour on Saturday won’t do much to mollify the patrons, who keep the parking lot full whenever the library is open. Last summer, 3, 678 children and teenagers participated in the vacation reading program, and 5,931 children received help with their schoolwork in the library homework center. As of 2009, 20,930 children have library cards at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library. One of the busiest libraries in the county system, Culver City is a hub of the community. To see it go dark on Mondays because of the financial challenges being faced by Los Angeles County is a dark moment for everyone.
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