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No tv cable ? City website not working ? You can get the results on the City Council Election right here at Culver City Check out our new posts tonight after the vote count is finalized, and know there will be more info to come.

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The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. As of 9:58 pm Jeff Cooper is 42 votes in front of Meghan Sahli-Wells. I thought it might be close especially after watching them in two forums. In the first one at Farragut I thought Cooper out-performed Sahli-Wells and demonstrated command of the facts and the job. After the second one in Blair Hills last week, the roles were quite reversed. What’s more, Ms. Sahli-Wells knew her audience and had clearly done her homework ahead of time. Cooper was clearly not on top of the neighborhood issues. (Not to mention that Mr. Sahli-Wells showed up with his totally cool iPad!) I”m not saying, but she may have switched a few voters to her side with that appearance. Maybe.

    I don’t know if there are more votes to count or not, but I’ll check in the morning. If it goes to Cooper, I hope Sahli-Wells is not discouraged from making another run in the future. A little seasoning would do her candidacy good.


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