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Culver City Crossroads

Looking for local news? You found it! We are glad you clicked in on Culver City Crossroads.

Culver City was founded in 1917 by Harry Culver, who created a ‘live and work’ community for the newly-created film industry. It’s come full circle in the 21st Century by becoming a haven for tech businesses and a home for innovators. The old city motto “The Heart of Screenland” has been upgraded to the heart of ‘streamland’ where content creators are setting up headquarters.

Culver City has an outstanding school district with a focus on arts education, a thriving recreation scene with 12 parks, and a major public art program with dozens of murals, sculptures and installations throughout the city. The renowned restaurant scene has everything from the gourmet tasting menu at Vespertine to the old school favorite Tito’s Tacos. Bicycle culture thrives with designated bikes lanes and landscaped bike paths through the city, including the Ballona Creek bike path to the beach.

We have been covering all the best of Culver City since 2009, with city council and school district news along with theater and arts coverage, and a spotlight on the good works from all the local service clubs.

Letters to the Editor can be sent to [email protected]. For publication, we need you to sign your real name, and please, no threats or obscene language. Letters to the Editor are not edited, so be as brief as you like or as detailed as you want; but do sign your real name. Comments are no longer accepted for Letters to the Editor; if you want to respond, please write a letter to the editor.

We are Culver City’s only local daily news, and the prime source for news, events, politics, education and culture. We are here to serve the community, create connections, and have fun.

Judith Martin-Straw, publisher and editor of Culver City Crossroads has lived and worked in Culver City since 2001. Before moving to Culver City she lived in Venice Beach, and worked on the Venice Beachhead (America’s oldest underground newspaper) and has also contributed to the LA Weekly, and Random Lengths.

Dani Crum, associate publisher, is a Culver City resident with a new focus on news. She is newly retired from working for a large corporation, and happy to be finished remodeling her house.

Brenna Guthrie covers local theater, reviewing plays as they open the Kirk Douglas Theater, the Actors’ Gang and other venues.

Pam Teplitz is the graphic designer and webmaster for the site, with decades of experience and a long list of credits. You can find her work on Teplitzart.com

Check in every weekday afternoon at 3 pm, or sign up for the daily email for only $5 a month. We’ll have more up-to-date, accurate, intelligent news about Culver City here for you.

Publisher & Editor

Judith Martin-Straw

The Actors' Gang

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