Dear Editor – Council Should Support Ceasefire Resolution

Dear Editor,

Several Culver City residents appeared before two meetings of the Culver City Council earlier this year to request the Council place on the agenda for discussion a proclamation calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli/Gaza war. Nearly one hundred petitions from residents supporting this request were delivered at that meeting. The City Council neither acted on that request nor responded to the petitioners.

However, in early June, Culver City Mayor Yasime-Imani McMorrin sent something of a response to some of the petitioners. The mayor wrote that the City Council had given nodding-head support shortly after the October 7 attack by Hamas to the creation of an interfaith council with an emphasis on understanding, empathy, and belonging. Additionally, the mayor explained that the city’s equity and human relations committee was developing anti-hate workshops.

The mayor also noted that no action has yet been taken on these two items. The mayor added, almost in passing, that “CC doesn’t send money to other countries and has no bearing on international matters.” The mayor urged

“neighbors to advocate at other more impactful venues for peace.”

When we requested a proclamation of ceasefire in February, the number of dead in Gaza stood at 27000 people, most of whom were women and children. Now that number stands at nearly 39000 dead with an unknown number buried in the rubble. What’s more, it looks as though the Israeli government is preparing to expand the war into Lebanon as it has done in the West Bank, which will engage Hezbollah fighters and result in even more bloodshed, undoubtedly bringing the war home to Israeli citizens throughout the area.

Although I and others strongly support the mayor’s reelection, the Council’s failure to demand a permanent ceasefire makes it, and all Culver City residents, complicit in the war crimes committed on both sides and the mounting genocide being carried out by Israel. To imply that we should avert our eyes to the ongoing horror is shameful. Indeed, the Culver City Council, especially those incumbents running for reelection, must not be allowed to avoid taking a stand on a moral issue that affects us all. Non-action, or channeling efforts into non-existent avenues, is surely political and moral cowardness.

Numerous city councils throughout the nation have endorsed a permanent and immediate ceasefire, understanding that the slaughter of innocents in this war must not be overlooked. The wording of these city council

resolutions could be a model for the CC Council. They base their proclamations on the vote by the General Assembly of the United Nations, for a “humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza…” These resolutions indicate, moreover, that democratic political bodies dare not ignore the atrocities happening in Gaza.

I suspect that the rather passive response by Mayor McMorrin to the growing demands that the Culver City Council support a ceasefire resolution reflects the political character of the existing city council (see the rather brilliant letter to the editor by Jeff Schwartz, Context or Coverup, 3-25-21). If that is the case, then it is time to clean house and elect a city council unafraid to denounce the continued carnage in Gaza. Culver City residents need a city council willing to work vigorously to bring home all the hostages and the non-indicted “detained.” A city council speaking forcefully and loudly for a post-war settlement that gives hope for permanent peace and addresses “the hundred years’ war against the Palestinians”. Now is the time for a Culver City Council proclamation demanding a permanent and immediate ceasefire in the Israeli war on Gaza.

Perhaps this issue is as important as bike lanes, rent control, minimum wages, dog parks, auto shows, book readings, singalongs, yoga classes, walk/run marathons, waste and fraud in city government, digital advertising, swim lessons, garden shows, and even housing for the houseless.


Ronald L.F. Davis 

The Actors' Gang