Dear Editor- Build More Housing
Dear Editor, The only realistic way to solve our local housing shortage is to build more housing! Over the past 15 years, for each new housing unit constructed in Culver City, we’ve added 49 new …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, The only realistic way to solve our local housing shortage is to build more housing! Over the past 15 years, for each new housing unit constructed in Culver City, we’ve added 49 new …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, They came after us. Now, they are coming after Jackson. Who’s next? We are residents of the 10700 block of Farragut Drive. Businesses, several schools and a mega church surround us. Numerous organizations …[READ MORE]
Why am I voting NO on the Recall to Gov Newsom? Very simply, your wellbeing & mine depend on keeping Gov Newsom in office. Although he has disappointed me on some issues, Gov Newsom’s deliverables …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, As our City is growing ever more divided over housing needs, I am writing to appeal to the noble instincts in each of us. Let me begin by defining terms with the intent …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, Culver City Crossroads published a letter from Daniel Kammen to the Culver City Council. The letter was in support of the Council agenda to replace R-1 zoning with 4 unit housing on each …[READ MORE]
To the Editor: I am surprised at my apathy towards the change to R1 zoning that is being proposed by the Culver City Council. Since I skew conservative, I thought about how I arrived at …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, I’d like to share the following open letter to Culver City and its leaders from UC Berkeley climate and energy professor Daniel Kammen, whose research has confirmed Culver City’s climate imperative to “re-evaluate …[READ MORE]
Dear Mayor Fisch, I ask that you immediately remove my name from your website, listing me as a supporter. You will recall, I endorsed your candidacy and walked Blair Hills with you to meet my …[READ MORE]
Dear Editor, On June 28th, 2021 the majority on the City Council voted to up zone such that R1 zoning would be eliminated and accommodate 4-plexes on a single family lot. This, in spite of …[READ MORE]
To the Editor– In the past, Culver City had a shameful record of excluding people of color from homeownership. Fortunately in recent decades the record is better, with people of color now representing a substantial …[READ MORE]
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