Updates on the 2045 General Plan and associated Zoning Code Amendments will be presented to the Planning Commission on February 14th, 2024, at 7pm and to the City Council at their regular meeting on February 26th, 2024, at 7pm.
The General Plan consultant team and City staff will provide updates on the process and detail the next steps for the ongoing General Plan Update, including outcomes from the Public Draft Plan review period and outreach meetings in fall of 2023. The Public Draft Plan and outreach summary are available to view at on the project website.
The Zoning Code Update consultant team and City staff will present the Draft Zoning Code Framework, including development standards and lists of allowable uses for each new zone, and the Draft Zoning Map. The Draft Framework and Map will be available for review online prior to the Planning Commission meeting.
Learn more about the General Plan and Zoning Code on the project website or contact Advance Planning staff at (310) 253-5740 or [email protected].
City of Culver City