CCUSD Dashboard Stats – Graduation Rate Stays High, Absenteeism Decreases

At the January 23, 2024 CCUSD School Board meeting, educational services staff presented CCUSD’s current Dashboard performance. The California School Dashboard is a statewide tool that displays the performance of local educational agencies, schools, and student groups on a set of state and local measures to assist in identifying strengths, challenges, and areas in need of improvement.

Staff shared several CCUSD Dashboard highlights including a 95.3% graduation rate, a marked decrease in chronic absenteeism, and an overall increase in academic performance across all student populations. In particular, due to a series of robust interventions and the hard work of our students and teaching staff, test scores have increased and absenteeism has decreased for two of CCUSD’s most vulnerable groups: students experiencing homelessness and students with disabilities. 

This January 23 meeting can be viewed here, at

The dashboard presentation can be viewed here and via video at the 2 hour and 46 minute mark.


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