Heidi Duckler Dance (HDD) presents its MAP Live! workshop, formerly known as Architecture Through the Body. Heidi Duckler Dance’s annual, three-day workshop is rooted in combining movement, art, and production. Across three days, participants learn from professionals in various fields to explore the ways we define space.
The workshop is taught by professionals in the fields of dance, production, and architecture. Participants are then able to create original art with the information they’ve been taught. Teaching artists provide feedback on the work as it progresses, and the workshop concludes with a public final performance.
Participants will research spaces through the lens of common architectural design and be given the freedom and resources to direct this research towards their creative process, through dance.
The workshop will take place March 15, 2024–March 17, 2024 at the Bendix building.
Heidi Duckler Dance has commissioned three experienced teaching artists to educate participants through design, production and dance.
Contact Raphaelle Ziemba at [email protected] for information about our work-study program. Eligible participants will receive a 50% discount on the registration fee.
RSVP at: https://heididuckler.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/heididuckler/event.jsp?event=300&