On Saturday, August 20, 2022, the bike valet was busy parking cycles for the campaign launch of Stephanie Loredo, keeping cars to the minimum on a side street on the east end of Culver City. Nestled into a side yard to keep the activity outdoors, Loredo graciously welcomed supporters for the official announcement of her school board run.
There were plenty of elected officials and voters on hand to laud the candidate, but the heart of the afternoon was the speech made by Raelie Loredo, her daughter and former student member of the CCUSD School Board. Citing her example of running for office from the student level, she was the model that her parent opted to follow, getting involved with policy and practice in public education.
Her mother noted with pride, “She’s the reason why I’m here. If not for her, I would not have been attending all these school board meetings or running for [office.]”
Loredo spoke about how advocating for Safe Routes to School also inspired her into activism. “We just moved here in 2018, and this was the thing that got me involved.”
Loredo spoke about how her family’s search for quality public education had led them all the way out to California, from New Jersey. Starting in Jersey City, and then to the Jersey shore, they found themselves in conflict with private school tuition, and then, with public sentiment turning both rightward and racist in the wake of the Republican administration, leaving them feeling both unwelcome and unsafe.
“Community is about holding the door for each other … A culture of care embraces the fullness of our community members’ humanity and ability to learn in healthy ways. Culver City can develop this environment where everyone feels heard, safe, validated and supported to achieve,” said Stephanie Loredo. “I believe that public schools are essential to healthy, vital communities.”
Previously, Loredo served on the LCAP Committee, the Equity Advisory Committee, and recently founded the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Parent Affinity Organization at Culver City High School.
Stephanie Loredo’s name on the ballot this November will be her next step forward in seeking to improve public education.
Judith Martin-Straw
Photo credit – Ardith Nishii
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