There’s never a bad time for a sale, and the Culver City Woman’s Club will be anticipating holiday shopping with a pop-up boutique at the Culver-Palms Methodist Church on July 30, 2022. There will be new clothes, jewelry, photography, purses, all holiday decorations, and many more gift items to select. The pop-up will be open from 9 am to 2 pm at 4464 Sepulveda Blvd. in Culver City, and parking is available behind the church.
The Culver City Woman’s club is a non profit organization and proceeds will go to Meals on Wheels, Lange Foundation (no kill shelter) Children’s Foster Care Services, S.A.V.E.S. Food Bank, High School Scholarships and several more charities.
Looking forward for you to attend and enjoy and get some great bargains.
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