Southern California Hospital Gets a “D” Rating in Safety Survey

The Leapfrog Group, a non-profit organization with a twenty-year history of rating hospitals on patient care, safety, errors, injuries, accidents, and infections released their biannual report with a cautionary note: While many hospitals are good at keeping their patients safe, some hospitals aren’t.

Southern California Hospital (formerly Brotman) in Culver City was given a grade of “D.” 

While the Leapfrog Group does offer hospitals an option to respond to the report, Southern California Hospital declined to do so. Information about the hospital’s infection record, available through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was also used to compile the report. The hospital was asked to report on the data in the survey and chose not to.

Southern California Hospital has been in the local news often during the pandemic for labor disputes, safety challenges from staff, and charges that the building lacked structural safety; with two elevators in the five story building, one was alleged to have been out of service for more than a year, and there were reports of exposed plumbing at staff stations and in patient’s rooms. 

The hospital scored ‘well below average’ on communications with doctors, nurses and hospital staff. To view the full survey report, go to

Centinela Hospital in Inglewood received an “A” grade, as did UCLA Medical Center of Santa Monica, and Kaiser Permanente Cadillac/West Los Angeles. 

Judith Martin-Straw


The Actors' Gang

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