The Centaur Spirit Award is given to staff and teachers at Culver City High School , not for a ‘job well done’ but for going above and beyond expectations. The honor, traditionally presented by the last staff member to receive it, was passed on in an innovative new way this year. Breaking tradition, the award was presented to Director of Student Activities Dr. Carlos Valverde by the iconic Danny Trejo at an assembly at the high school.
Trejo, an actor and motivational speaker who is renowned in the Los Angeles area as a man of generosity and community focus, came to offer an inspirational talk to Culver City High School students, and stayed to present Dr. Valverde, with the Centaur Spirit Award.
After Trejo spoke about the importance of education, helping others, and staying away from drugs, he stayed at the Frost until every student was able to get a selfie and autograph.
The award, created by Dr. Kelli Tarvyd in 2017, is another way that the staff and teachers offer recognition and appreciation for the vital work that they do in education. Tarvyd noted that” the Centaur Award “lifts our educational community by recognizing people for their true Centaur Spirit.”
Photo credit – CulverPride
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