Review and share your thoughts on the General Plan Update (GPU) draft policy frameworks. The frameworks highlight key policies, goals, outcomes, and performance metrics on the different topics that the GPU covers, including parks, transportation, arts, and more.
The GPU team will use the frameworks to draft the updated General Plan to achieve the community’s vision for Culver City over the next 25 years to 2045. The frameworks were drafted based on community input collected between September 2019 and October 2021. The City of Culver City posted the Policy Frameworks online November 5 and hosted a virtual community open house on November 18 to gather public feedback.
Other Ways to Participate in the GPU Process; Register to attend the Special City Council meeting on Friday, December 10 at 5 PM to discuss the GPU’s Housing Element. Future meetings include the January 6 Planning Commission and January 24 City Council public hearings considering the Housing Element for adoption.
Further information on future and past meetings is online at If you haven’t already, sign up for project alerts.
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