City to Host General Plan Update/Policy Frameworks Open House – Nov. 18

After hearing the community’s goals for Culver City on everything from parks to transportation and the arts by 2045, the City of Culver City’s General Plan Update  team drafted policies to reflect those goals in the GPU.

Register to attend the Policy Frameworks Open House and tell your neighbors! The event will be in English with Spanish interpretation.

This event is a great opportunity to engage with the City and to get answers to your questions about the General Plan Update. The open house will include:

Introductory Presentation for participants to learn about the General Plan Update, the process to date, and upcoming milestones and events.

Draft Policy Frameworks for Review, shared via interactive online documents. You can also submit comments on the Draft Policy Frameworks between November 5 and December 16, before and after the virtual open house.

Open House Discussion in virtual breakout rooms with consultants on hand to answer questions and talk with participants about policy framework topics

The Actors' Gang

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