As part of of a community meeting promoted by the Culver City Action Network, Vice Mayor Daniel Lee spoke to a gathering in front of Culver City City Hall on Saturday, November 6, 2021, about the need to remain active and committed, even while (or especially when) the people you voted for are in office.
“The fact remains,” Lee noted “that people are still dying at the hands of the police in this country, every day, and a disproportionate number of those dying are black and brown people. We need to continue to protest, we need to continue to be vocal and to demand accountability.”
The crowd applauded in support, and Lee stated that changes should not be confused with complacency. Commenting on the upcoming mayoral rotation, he said “I expect to be confirmed as Mayor in December, and what I would most like to move forward [on a city council agenda] is the idea of a transparent budgeting process. We need all the residents of Culver City to be asking why we are spending, where we are spending, and what we are paying for; getting people involved is the way to create change.”
Judith Martin-Straw
Well, let’s see if a Mayor Lee can do a better job of working WITH the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) than Mayor Fisch did, who spent his time working around them. When I was on the FAC, we made financial transparency front and center of everything we did and worked closely with the CFO/Finance Department.
By running for yet another “higher office” since he was elected to our local city council in November 2018, it should make local citizens wonder if his latest aspiration whether Danny Lee is really dedicated to Culver City, or is he really just biding his time here in our little city and is using his elected office as a political “fall back” in case he is not elected to the newer, higher office?
I expect Lee to suboptimize policy to the detriment of the city to benefit himself. The negative effects will become obvious long after Lee moves on.