Lunch Will Be Free – Backpacks Still Need Support

With the State of California offering free school meals for all, we are on our way to helping feed hungry children, but we still need to think about those who don’t have resources when class is not in session. If you are not familiar with Backpacks, it’s an ideal moment to add it to your awareness of district programs.

Culver City Unified School District believes that no child in our community should go hungry or have food insecurities, especially on weekends when students don’t have access to school-sponsored breakfast and lunch. The Culver City Council PTA, in conjunction with CCUSD, provides students in need with a backpack filled with non-perishable food and snacks each week to ensure that every child can eat on the weekends.

Everything you contribute helps the Backpacks Program with 100% of donated funds going directly to program costs. Backpacks is volunteer-run with no overhead or administrative salaries.

There is no cost to participate and enrollment is 100% confidential. Each week, filled backpacks will be available in the school’s main office. You or your child, simply pick up the backpack and take it home. Backpacks will not be returned each week; your student will receive a new backpack each week.

Enrollment is ongoing so any child in need can sign up for the program at any time throughout the school year.

If you had already budgeted funds to pay for your students’ breakfast or lunch, you could change that part of your budget to be a tax-deductible contribution to the Backpacks Program. Go to 

If you would like your student to receive a weekly backpack,  complete a form i your school office or sign up online at

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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