Schools Continue Sustainability Work During Distance Learning

At the Culver City Unified School District, Sustainability efforts are led by a Sustainability Coordinator who works with the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC), the Superintendent, CCUSD Business Services, principles, school liaisons, staff, teachers, parents, students, volunteers and other stakeholders to help facilitate our green actions.

CCUSD is pleased to announce that the ESC is back up and running for this new school year 20-21 during this online distance learning time, recruiting new members, focusing on pending projects from last school year and adopting new sustainability projects and goals to help green the District and put Environmental Justice at the forefront of our work.

During monthly meetings, ESC members come together to work on green projects and goals for the year, hear from a guest speaker on an environmental topic, share through school newsletters on how to implement zero waste practices at home, work with Grades of Green on recruiting student teams for their current campaign, on school improvements with impacts on reducing costs and environmental footprint focused around Education, Energy, Water, Waste, Purchasing, Transportation, Green Spaces and Community, and share projects in support of individual school green projects. ESC also collaborates with other clubs and entities in schools: Walk N Rollers, Ballona Creek Renaissance High School Club, ASB, AVPA, and others.

Last year, ESC had 140 members, worked on valuable projects like water conservation upgrades which led to replacing all aerators and switching to dual flush toilets in 7 schools, improving three stream trash collection, developing educational materials, opportunities and events like Earth Fest Week, establishing City-District collaborations, and many more important environmentally friendly projects.

This year, ESC will continue striving to pursue its sustainability initiatives within the framework of CCUSD’s own mission of educational excellence, incorporating environmental protection, action and justice, to increase conservation efforts, reduce and divert waste, with social equity and inclusion in mind. CCUSD will continue working to integrate sustainability into every facet and take pride in leading by example.

CCUSD is the proud recipient of the Green Ribbon Schools Award, awarded in 2017, the highest environmental honor for any school nationwide.

Next ESC meetings: On Thursdays from 5-6.30 Nov 19, Dec 17, Jan. 28, Feb 25, March 18, April 22, May 27

For more information on CCUSD’s Sustainability vision and Committee, visit :

Sandrine Cassidy

The Actors' Gang

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