Dear Editor – Eriksson Praised for Feed Culver City, Quiet Skies Successes

Dear Editor, 

Goran Eriksson has our vote!
Currently Mayor of the Culver City council, Goran deserves another 4 years representing our citizens on the council.
Because he actually gets a lot of things done. He doesn’t just talk about issues, he addresses them directly, doing his homework and research so he truly understands the intricacy of the issue.

Some of the things he’s done: convinced the police to carry Narcan for drug overdoses, and defibrillators for heart attacks; he help found Feed Culver City which has dispensed over 20,000 meals in a program that helps local restaurants and feeds the hungry; he established the Emergency Rental Assistance Program which directly helps renters stay in their homes (instead of talking about homelessness and hiring consultants and pushing an overly strict rent control ordinance, the funding comes from the State’s Redevelopment Program); he’s spearheaded refurbishing mobile homes for the unhoused which provides an immediate solution for people in need; he pushed to allocate money toward neighborhood traffic planning to deal with the cut-through traffic clogging our streets; and he joined the Quiet Skies Initiative to deal with the FAA changing landing patterns and increasing noise in Culver City.

Goran has often been the lone dissenting vote on Council on numerous plans like paying Metro Bikes $1 million for a bike program that would have been provided for free by other bikeshare programs. He voted against an overly restrictive rent control cap that starts at 2.3%, why, because he researched and found out that it was too restrictive for the mom and pop landlords who own 75% of the cities rentals, and would cost from $500,000 to $1 million to duplicate what the State is already doing. He supported and helped pass renter protections and a moratorium on both commercial and residential evictions. He supported the much-needed extension of outdoor dining for the restaurants in Downtown and is working to extend the program to restaurants in other parts of the city including the Arts District. With his business background he understands the real problems and solutions involved with clean energy, recycling, and infrastructure.

Before joining the Culver City Council, as President of Lund University Foundation he created a program to translate and preserve the testimonials of 560 Holocaust survivors of the Ravensbruck concentration camp.

He’s always accessible and willing to talk to constituents.

These are just some of the reasons to RE-ELECT GORAN ERIKSSON for Culver City Council.

Jamie Wallace

The Actors' Gang

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