Marina Pointe Healthcare COVID Outbreak – 30 Cases, 2 Deaths

Marina Pointe Healthcare in Culver City has reported over 30 confirmed cases of COVID-19 at their facility, 28 of the cases from residents, including two deaths, marking the subacute care facility as an outbreak center.

Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Powell confirmed the cases, which are listed on the LADPH website. He said the number cases, which were only three at the end of April, jumped after all of the patients were tested.

“There were quite a few that were asymptomatic,” he said.

The city has limited jurisdiction over how Marina Pointe responds to crisis, but LADPH is monitoring the situation, and has assigned a caseworker to the facility. Culver City’s Fire Department continues to reach out by phone daily, and visits the facility twice per week.

Powell said they don’t know how the virus spread, and that there isn’t any way to tell.

“We treat these centers as war zones,” Powell said. “Everybody has the potential to have COVID.”

Elizabeth Moss

The Actors' Gang

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