In light of recent events and the cancellation of just about everything, we’re skipping our weekly 5 Things To Do list and instead offering a list of things not to do. Avoid crowded places this weekend and focus on time with your family, your pet, or that book you’ve been meaning to read for the last two years. But don’t be an absolutist and stay in doors the whole time: do take a moment to step outside this week, if you can, and enjoy the beautiful world around us. Just don’t forget to practice social distancing.
1. Hoard a life’s supply of toilet paper, frozen vegetables, and pasta. The most you need in your kitchen is 2 weeks worth of food and supplies.
2. Perpetuate mass hysteria by spreading misinformation. Check your facts!
3. Avoid human beings. Practice social distancing, and certainly some self-isolation, but not social isolation.
4. Forget your neighbor. Maybe they got to the store late in the hysteria game and didn’t get a chance to buy toilet paper. Share your stash with them.
5. And finally, don’t forget compassion. It’s hard to remember that we’re all in this together, especially when things feels scarce and we can’t touch each other. But we won’t emerge from this victorious unless we act in solidarity to flatten the curve and stop the virus’ spread.
Be safe out there!
Elizabeth Moss
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