Beginning March 11, 2020, the City of Culver City has cancelled all nonessential City-sponsored events for the next four weeks as a coronavirus precautionary measure. This includes the My Brother’s Keeper program (March 14) and Egg-stravaganza (March 21) which are now cancelled.
Program cancellations, facility closures and/or gathering size restrictions related to coronavirus precautions are now in place at all City facilities and for all classes and programs. We ask that you please read the information below carefully. If you have questions or would like more information, call the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department at 310-253-6650 or email us.
Culver City Senior Center Programs & Services
Starting Saturday March 14, 2020, the City of Culver City will close the Culver City Senior Center until further notice. This includes the fitness room, pool room, computer room and all classes, programs, workshops, and events. All City-sponsored events and classes for the age 50+ population will be cancelled. The entire building will be closed for older adult programming. The Senior Center WILL still provide essential services such as lunch through an outdoor pick-up program and social services via telephone.
Senior Center information desk staff is available via phone at 310-253-6700 between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm to answer any questions. Many of our partnership organizations such as WISE and Healthy Aging and the LA County Department of Mental Health will be available by phone should patrons need to contact them. If you have questions regarding specific programming and activities, please contact programming staff at 310-253-6715.
Registered participants in the Senior Center nutrition program will be able to pick up lunches at the front entrance of the Senior Center on Mondays and Thursdays between 10:30 am – 12:30 pm via a “drive-through” pickup system located in the main parking lot of the Senior Center. Frozen meals will be provided for the days when there is no meal pick-up service. The home delivered meals program will also continue to provide meals to our local housebound seniors. If you have questions regarding meal pickup or home delivered meals during this time, please contact nutrition program staff at 310-253-6712.
The City’s social services partner, Special Services for Groups, will be available at the Senior Center to receive calls between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm and they can be reached via phone at 310-253-6717. Special Services for Group social workers are here to provide you mental health services, care management, and address other social service needs.
Facility Reservations
Effective Saturday, March 14, 2020, all facility, park, picnic, and field reservations in City-owned/managed facilities are cancelled for at least the next four weeks (though Sunday, April 12, 2020). Renters may reschedule their event or may cancel at no charge. Please contact our rental office staff or call 310-253-6625 with any questions or changes.
Aquatics / The Plunge
The Plunge will be closed as was previously scheduled for annual maintenance from March 14 – April 4, 2020. The closure will now be extended through April 12, 2020 as a precautionary measure against the spread of the coronavirus.
Spring Camp, Teen Center, Afterschool Programs, Enrichment Programs/Classes
In light of the recent Culver City Unified School District’s schools “dismissal” status effective Monday, March 16, 2020, the City is following their lead and cancelling all childcare and afterschool programs through Friday, April 3, 2020. The reopening of the programs will be reevaluated on or around April 2, 2020. Programs closing will be the Culver City Afterschool Recreation Program (CCARP), Teen Center, preschools, and Spring camp programs. During this time, the City will undertake a thorough cleaning of all facilities.
For Further Information and Updates
The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department takes pride in the role we play in the lives of residents of all ages in the Culver City community and looks forward to the time when we can all gather together in good health. Updates and additional information will be posted here as it becomes available.
The City will continue to work closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to protect the health and safety of our Culver City residents, visitors and staff. Learn more about the coronavirus on the County’s website.
For updates on the coronavirus visit the City’s website.
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