Superintendent Leslie Lockhart has announced that The Culver City Unified School District will be using the following strategies to deal with the health challenge March 16, 2020.
Starting Monday, March 16, CCUSD schools will be in “dismissal” status. Students will not come to school starting that day.
Spring Break starts on March 23 and runs through April 3.
The situation will be reevaluated at the end of Spring Break.
During this time we will undertake a thorough cleaning of all schools.
On Monday, March 16, there will be no instruction.
Teachers will utilize this day to plan lessons for remote learning and communicate their plans to their students.
Students who may need to pick up materials in their lockers/classrooms and/or access to a Chromebook/charger can check out the technology at their school office between 10:00am – 2:00pm.
Food Services: Any CCUSD student that receives a District-provided lunch can continue to receive grab and go lunches at the Culver City High School cafeteria starting Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20, between 10:30am – 12:00pm. This grab and go service will resume after the scheduled Spring Break if schools are still closed at that time.
Distance learning begins Tuesday, March 17 and will continue through Friday, March 20. Please look for further information by April 2 regarding the possibility of continued distance learning after Spring Break.
In terms of curriculum, each core subject a student is enrolled in and each elective course will be delivered via Home Learning. Elementary students can expect curriculum in Math, English, Social Studies, Science and MakerSpace, Art, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, and Physical Education. Middle and High School students will receive curriculum/instruction for every class in which they are enrolled.
Instructional staff that provide services to our students who receive special education and related services will make every effort to deliver the service minutes indicated in each student’s IEP utilizing the platforms available. When services return to the classroom setting, IEP teams can meet to determine if compensatory services are needed.
Please know that we do not take the closure of our schools lightly, as I know that such a move would have a significant impact on each of you in different ways. At the center of all of our decisions is the well being of our students and staff. I know these decisions will introduce some difficulties to many of our families. We have made them with the understanding that the full gravity of this situation is still unknown. Please understand that the purpose of this decision is to fulfill our responsibility to our broader community by taking every possible step to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
It is imperative that you continue to implement all necessary precautions including self-quarantine, social distancing and all suggested CDC actions. We all share in the duty and obligation to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
If you or your child are diagnosed with a confirmed case of COVID-19, please inform us by contacting Dianna Castro, Health Coordinator, at [email protected], Veronica Montes, Director of School and Family Support Services at [email protected], and your site principal.
Students will not come to school starting March 16, 2020. Spring Break starts on March 23 and runs through April 3.
I know that you all have many questions that need to be addressed. Please know we are working as quickly as possible to support you with answers.
Look for further communications as more information becomes available.
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