What are you willing to imagine to replace driving with riding? Metro’s public outreach on the Sepulveda Transit Corridor (STC) includes an element that can be a game changer; your ideas.
The meeting on the feasibility study at the Vets Building on Saturday, July 27, 2019 was populated with Metro staff, eager to answer questions, and people from all over Culver City and Los Angeles, wanting details on the options and the process. The study, which began in December 2017, will conclude this fall. The findings will be the basis for formal environmental studies, which will begin next year.
The new Metro rail line will provide a public transit option between San Fernando Valley, the Westside and the Los Angeles International Airport. Broken into two phases, the first will take riders from the valley to the Westside, and the second from the Westside to the airport.
The Metro hopes to complete the Valley-Westside portion of the project in time for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games, as part of the Metro’s Twenty-Eight by ‘28 initiative.
With four possible plans on the board – three heavy rail options and one monorail option – Culver City may see a rail line up Overland Avenue as part of the Westside to LAX strategy.
Stressing the importance of community input and connection, Metro is reaching out to everyone for ideas. If you are a rider (or want to become one) share your thoughts with the Office of Extraordinary Ideas at www.metro.net/projects/oei/
The project is largely funded by Measure M, the transportation sales tax approved by Los Angeles County voters in 2016. The total project will receive $9.5 billion in sales tax funding. The first phase between the Valley and the Westside scheduled to open in 2033. The project may be expedited through a public-private partnership.
The last of the community meetings will be held Saturday August 3, 2019 at the Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Service Center in Van Nuys from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Judith Martin-Straw
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