Dear Editor – Baldwin Hills CSD Meeting on Oil Field Saw SNAP Presentation, Requests for Comments

Dear Editor,

The March CAP (Citizens Advisory Panel) was very well attended with more than 50 people, panel and audience, partially due to Sierra Club and Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community, and STAND-LA interests in oil and gas in Los Angeles, California, and elsewhere. The main draw at the meeting was the California Air Resources Board presentation regarding the “SNAP” air quality monitoring program, (Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources) of which Baldwin Hills is a major focus point along with the South Bay and their current focus at Lost Hills in northwest Kern County.

Second draw was the South Coast Air Quality Management District, representative who was requesting “Smell Something, Say Something” through the AQMD’s hot line, 1-800-CUT-SMOG. The nexus is that CARB will review AQMD complaints to try to locate the SNAP monitoring station sites to reflect the complaints.

Other issues were more housekeeping for the 10+ year CSD BUT also included request for public and organizations’ comments for the second Updating of the current CSD. The CSD is the ONLY realtime, long-endured public-oil operator-local/regional/state governmental cooperative organization in California and most of the nation.

Tom Williams

The Actors' Gang

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