Centennial Landscaping @ City Hall – What Do You Want ?

ShowImageThe City is celebrating its 100th year anniversary on September 20, 2017. In recognition of the City’s centennial, coupled with past drought conditions in California, the City has selected two architects as finalists to submit competing conceptual designs to replace City Hall’s landscaping. The project includes replacing plants with drought tolerant landscaping and creation of a new Centennial Garden to memorialize the City’s anniversary that includes public art and gathering spaces.

A special City Council meeting will be held to receive in-depth presentations from the two competing firms.

That’s where you come in — we need your input on which design to select.


Mike Balkman Council Chambers

City Hall – First Floor

9770 Culver Boulevard

Culver City, CA 90232

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

This special City Council meeting is dedicated to providing ample time to thoroughly review the presentations and to subsequently engage the attendees in a question and answer session.

Upon conclusion of the presentations, you will be asked to affix a sticker upon the display board of the design you prefer.

The Actors' Gang

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