The Culver City Red Light Photo Enforcement Program was started in March, 1999. It became fully operational in January 2000. Red light cameras have been shown to substantially reduce red light violations.
Based on new commercial businesses, vehicular congestion, as well as pedestrians and bicyclists that pass through and around the intersections at Overland Avenue and Washington Boulevard, Sepulveda Boulevard and Washington Boulevard and through National Boulevard and Washington Boulevard, CCPD decided that the red light camera program would be best served by installing photo enforcement equipment at these intersections. Rather than just increase the overall size of our program, we looked at intersections with lower traffic volume and/or fewer red light running incidents and sought to relocate those cameras to intersections with higher traffic volume and congestion (vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists) so to have a greater impact on deterring red light running incidents and improve traffic and pedestrian safety to those areas.
The program currently operates photo enforcement equipment at eleven intersections with eighteen approaches and with the revisions; it would expand to twelve intersections with twenty approaches.
Upon reviewing the information, we determined that the removal of the photo enforcement equipment at four approaches/locations was appropriate. Those locations include: eastbound Washington Place at Centinela Avenue, eastbound Washington Boulevard at Sawtelle Boulevard, and east and west bound Washington Boulevard at Helms Avenue.
In addition to the permanent signage that will be posted at these new locations, a mobile trailer will be temporarily placed at each approach advising drivers of the photo enforcement at the intersection. After seven days, the mobile trailers will be removed and warning letters will be issued to violators for a minimum of thirty days, in accordance with California law.
The new approaches/locations should be fully operational within the late part of Spring 2017.
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