Tickets are still available for the Honorary Service Awards Dinner April 30th.
Culver City Education Foundation Executive Director Leslie Adler andCCEF President Wendy Hamill were congratulated by Council PTA President Maren Neufeld, presenting them with the Golden Oak Award for all that CCEF has done for the students at CCUSD schools the past 35 years, last Monday night at their monthly board meeting.
Celebrating ‘100 Years of Volunteers’ on Sunday, April 30 at the Culver City Senior Center, 4095 Overland Avenue. Attendees are invited to come dressed as your favorite decade, which is sure to add to the fun! Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails will be served starting at 6:30 p.m. and the Award Show and Installation of Officers takes place at 7:00 p.m. Reservations are available at $45.00 per person by using PayPal at www.cccouncilpta.org, or mail your check – payable to CCCPTA – to Patricia Garcia, 10418 Culver Blvd. #6, Culver City, CA 90232.
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