Earth Day River Clean Up

maxresdefaultFriends of the LA River is proud to present the 2nd weekend of the 28th Annual Great LA River CleanUp: La Gran Limpieza (CleanUp)…on Earth Day! FOLAR’s annual CleanUp has exploded in recent years, shattering records for volunteer turnout and trash collected, and is the largest urban river cleanup in America. The 2016 CleanUp attracted 9,000 volunteers—individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds—who removed over 70 tons of trash from the LA River at more than a dozen sites.

This Saturday, April 22nd, EARTH DAY, continues the 3-weekend cleanup across 14 sites along the Upper, Mid and Lower River. This weekend is Mid River.

In addition to the trash pick-up, volunteers will be entertained by popular local bands that come to the CleanUp to connect with the LA River community. Select sites will also feature FOLAR’s 38’ mobile visitor and education center, the LA River Rover. Refreshments, snacks, and sunblock will all be on hand.

FOLAR has also partnered with LA 2024 – the Los Angeles bid for the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games! CleanUp volunteers will have the chance to opt-in to the LA 2024 Volunteer Service Program.

For info about the LA 2024 Volunteer Service Program, click

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