MCLM to Host Derek Brown’s ‘Articulate Scars’

41hO9OoOM3L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_Still Waters Publishing will be hosting the event for Derek Brown’s debut book release and signing of Articulate Scars – Comfortable Silences and Reluctant Tears – on Saturday, April 22nd, 2017, 6:00pm – 8:00pm at The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum.

Articulate Scars is a mixed libation of poems spilled from the mind of a man seeking asylum from mediocrity on the page and the stage. This collection of works chronicles the journey of a grown man going back to the limitlessness of his boyhood to address the wounds that have not healed properly.

Author Derek Brown offers “What started out as therapy for a broken heart evolved into a voice for words I never knew I would be destined to share. These poems are living testaments to love’s losses and wins, adult growing pains, and dreams realized and deferred. Why [entitle it] Articulate Scars? If you’re severely cut with a knife, it may heal, but a permanent mark will remain. If you gain weight quickly, your body will produce stretch marks as a result. In the three years it took me to compile these works, I’ve been entrenched in the rigors and whimsy of romantic endeavors, as well as an exponential growth toward self-actualization—the embracement of which has left my spirit beautifully scarred. These poems are living testaments to love’s losses and wins, adult growing pains, and dreams realized and deferred. ”

Brown has frequently read his work at “The Last Sunday,”  an open mic series hosted at United States Veterans Artist Alliance ( USVAA) in Culver City.

Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum

4130 Overland Ave, Culver City, California 90230


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