Culver City Police Department Makes a Statement on Immigration Enforcement

user33856-1386012064-media1_4a4944_240_216_PrsMe_The Culver City Police Department has recently fielded numerous questions regarding the Department’s Immigration Policy. As has been consistently stated to the public, the Culver City Police Department has not and does not engage in federal immigration enforcement, as that is the purview of the federal government.

In particular, recent media attention has been raised about Policy 415, “Immigration Violations,” in the Department’s Policy Manual. Many of the policies outlined in that section are not employed by Culver City Police Department for various reasons, including our history of not participating in federal immigration enforcement actions. To bring clarity to our Police Department policy and address any public concerns, the Culver City Police Department will be removing Policy 415, from the Department’s Policy Manual effective immediately.

As a Department that prides itself in maintaining and fostering strong partnerships with the community we serve, as well as providing the highest level of professional police service, the Culver City Police Department does not want the fear of immigration enforcement to inhibit the members of our community from interacting with their police officers.

For any further inquiries or questions, please contact Lt. Dunlap (310) 253-6258.

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16


  1. Shame on you. Your duty is to protect the legal voting citizens and to enforce the law.

    You are merely aiding and abetting the commission of crimr.

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