Long time Farragut kindergarten teacher and Culver City Education Foundation Board member Darlene Bilkiss was known for her dedication to students, her deep commitment to education and her creative problem solving skills. This didn’t end when she passed away, but was put into her estate. A generous bequest of more than half a million dollars; $625,000 to be put into the endowment for the benefit of all CCUSD students.
Sara Fields, a long time friend and colleague noted, “She was tenacious, articulate and generous, and she made the world a better place.”
“This will help us to grow our endowment, and we have an investment committee, so we will be sharing our thoughts with them how it should be spent.” Leslie Alder, CCEF Director said they were surprised by the bequest, and had no idea that Bilkiss had included them in her estate.
CCEF President Wendy Hamill stated “Darlene worked as a kindergarten teacher at Farragut Elementary School for 38 years, and CCEF will be working with the school administration to determine an appropriate way to commemorate her long dedication to their students. She was a CCEF board member for 9 years and was our 1st emeritus member. She touched the lives of countless Culver City students with her creativity and compassion and remained actively involved in her support of CCEF throughout her lifetime.”
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