Tips for Seniors —
Spring Semester is here, what should a college-going student be doing?
At this point you have either finished or are finishing your college applications. Congratulations for getting this far!
If you are still searching for your colleges, you still have time. Some applications are due in February or March, and others are on “rolling admissions” so they will keep accepting applications until they have a full freshman class.
If you are considering community college, make sure to register ASAP so you can get in the front of the line at course registration. Don’t wait for the summer or fall!
Don’t slack off. You still need to finish your high school career on a strong note, and most definitely with grades of C or better. I was asked recently by a student who has already received some college acceptances, “Do senior year grades really matter?” The answer, “Yes, they do.”
If senioritis becomes chronic and you let your grades fall, colleges can rescind offers of acceptance. Hang in there, study, do the best you can in your classes. Finish strong and plan your goofing off for the summer. Enjoy your senior year, but pay attention!
Watch your social media postings. Be mindful about what you post. Future roommates and curious college folks might check you out. Do you really want that party that got out of hand creating a strong impression? Do your expletive-laden comments about your ex really speak to your ability to communicate? Does the rant about your math teacher show your ability to deal with a challenging situation?
Finish your financial aid applications. Don’t miss college financial aid deadlines. Even if you are not sure if you qualify, file the FAFSA and complete the private school CSS:Profile, if applicable. There is financial aid for Community and Technical colleges. too.
Apply for scholarships Check the College and Career Office as well as searching the internet. Try or the phone app Scholly. There are plenty of scholarships out there waiting for you, apply for them and help cut your college costs!
Check with your counselor about your Cal Grant Application. The Cal Grant Application has a March 2, 2017 deadline. The high school will send in the transcripts only if they have your social security number. Remember that sheet you got during registration?
Support each other. Some students are already receiving college responses, while most will be waiting well into March or April. Being accepted or not chosen by a college is highly emotional. Being chosen is exciting but opens the door to its own anxieties about choices that must be made.
Not being chosen can be devastating. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY. The college is not rejecting YOU, they merely haven’t decided to include you. Generally speaking, the more selective the college the larger the number of applications they receive. There is no way the college can accept the thousands of students who have applied. Each college is crafting their freshman class and they want a diversity of education, experience, academics, background as well as many other factors. You were not chosen, but they are not rejecting you. Hang in there!
May 1 is Decision Day If you are choosing between colleges look at the courses, read about the college, ask to speak to students. Visit the campus if you can. Discuss any questions or concerns with the Admissions Office. What is most important to you? Course offerings, location, size, atmosphere, gut feeling? Consider the financial implications carefully. Be realistic. Make your choice and realize that the quality of your college experience is based on what you do, not so much where you go.
Senior year is full of distractions, drama, expectations, disappointments, highlights and more. Keep your head above water and keep swimming.
Juniors: want to find out what you could be doing?
Jumpstart for Juniors Free College Seminar
Wednesday Jan 18, 6:30 pm.
Culver Dixon Library
For parents and students
RSVP: [email protected]
Saturday, Jan. 21, 1 pm
Carlson Park (alternate location: Tower Insurance if raining)
For students only
RSVP: [email protected]
Jamie Wallace
Get Smart for College
Independent Educational Consultant
Jamie is a UCLA trained educational consultant.
[email protected]
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