It was historically and emotionally the event of a lifetime: The kickoff to the year-long Culver City Centennial celebration last Saturday, with the Parade, Opening Ceremonies and Downtown Culver City’s Block Party of the Century! Approximately 1,000 participants marched up Culver Blvd. in a parade lasting almost two hours representing schools, service clubs, sports groups, Girl and Boy Scouts, the Culver-Palms Family YMCA, churches and spiritual organizations, civic organizations, and more. During the opening ceremony the crowd looked skyward as a plane flew overhead towing a banner congratulating Culver City for 100 years. The afternoon was spent cruising the “Taste of Culver City” participants, enjoying music, entertainment, and browsing all that Downtown has to offer – a great way to kick off a year-long celebration of Our Town!
The more formal-but-just-as-much-fun side of the kickoff takes place this Saturday eve, October 1 at Centennial sponsor Sony Pictures Studios, where the official Culver City Centennial Gala will feature food by Wolfgang Puck, music and dancing and a toast to the year ahead in a beautiful setting. Tickets ($125.00 per person) may still be available: visit www.culvercity.org.
Still in Centennial mode, as part of the Culver City Friends of the Library’s “One Book, One City” program for the Centennial, the Friends of the Library are announcing that in addition to the appearance by Stewart O’Nan, author of West of Sunset on Saturday, October 15, there will be a second author visit scheduled. Lesley M.M. Blume, author of Everybody Behaves Badly, will be at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library this Thursday, September 29 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss her book. Everybody Behaves Badly is a non-fiction look at Ernest Hemingway and the writing of his novel, The Sun Also Rises. The close relationship between Hemingway and Fitzgerald is an important part of the story, and does an excellent job of adding context to the reading of West of Sunset which explores the later years of Fitzgerald’s career. For more information, go to the Friends of the Library website at ccfol.org.
Prayers and community thumbs-ups go out to Katie Shery, who has been waiting for a date for her surgery. After tests last week she and husband, Exchangeite Dr. Jay Shery, were told that instead of one valve being a problem, she has three out of four that need to be dealt with. Following more tests, she was admitted to Ronald Reagan Hospital, UCLA and underwent open heart surgery to replace two of the valves and repairing one. She is under the care of the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at UCLA.
On Saturday, October 8 Grace Lutheran Church and Grace Diner will be working with MMA (Medical Mission Adventures) to provide free Medical, Dental, Vision and Pharmaceutical services from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Co-Chairs Cindy Lundquist and Ken Smith have been working for several months lining up volunteer physicians, dentists, optometrists, etc. who want to participate (NOTE: there is still a need for Dentists and/or Dental Technicians, so if you are (or know one) willing to serve, please contact Ken at (310) 995-4337. They will serve in one of two medical vehicles similar to bloodmobiles parked in front of the church, 4427 Overland Ave. Clinic patients and volunteers are asked to park in the lot next to/behind Farragut Elementary School, 10820 Farragut Drive.
We’re guessing the neighbors are okay with it, because the “Secret Garden” isn’t much of a secret any more – it’s the 80-year-old Jackson Market and Deli, located at 4065 Jackson Avenue, where you can enjoy breakfast pancakes, crepes or egg dishes, and sandwiches, wraps and salads for lunch. Best of all the back patio has a small waterfall and koi pond, making it the perfect place to eat. We remember going there with our mom and grandmother in the early ‘40’s when it was just a small, family-owned neighborhood market…who knew??
If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to visit www.culvercity.org and get the Culver City Living – Fall 2016 brochure. It’s got loads of opportunities for all ages to get involved in great city programs, e.g., for young kids, teens, seniors there are opportunities galore. For more information, call (310) 253-6650.
Falling into Fall birthdays are Mary Ann O’Neal, Jeff Gillette, Drew Weissman, Tasha Lowitz, Jacob Tillman, Kieran Fletcher. If you’d like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, just send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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